domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Ágiles 2010 Report #02: Kanban

Among the more than 40 presentations at the event there were many that mentioned or were dedicated to Kanban: “Aplicando Kanban numa organização CMMI3 “, “Scrum y Kanban más allá de proyectos de software”, “The Lean Pyramid – The Equilibrium of Agile Forces”, “Kanban Game” and specially “Catalyzing Lean: the value of creating a limited WIP society in your organization”, by David Anderson.

David Anderson vendiendo su libro: "KANBAN, Successful Evolutionary Change For Your Technology Business." David Anderson selling his book: "KANBAN, Successful Evolutionary Change For Your Technology Business."

The method was presented, examples about experiences were discussed and an excellent workshop using the “Russell Kanban Game” helped understanding the concepts simulating the daily challenges a project face and how to deal with them with Kanban.

As it is presented in an InfoQ presentation by David Anderson “Kanban acts to limit work-in-progress and focus the team on achieving a continuous flow of value to the customer and innovates on accepted agile management practices by providing an iteration-less process with a regular release cadence”.

In his Agile 2010 presentation he explained how important were the Lean concepts that people like Mary Poppendieck has been presented over the last years but how difficult was to conduct a strict Lean project even when most people agree with it philosophy. Kanban seems to be a response were Lean principles are followed and are easily adoptable to face project challenges.

11 - David Anderson  David Anderson in his presentation"Catalyzing Lean: the value of creating a limited WIP society in your organization."

More information about this may be found here:

Nota: En inglés ya que fue escrito para el sitio de TCM@Knowmax. Foto #1 de Gustavo Quiroz

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